Trust a doctor who's dedicated to providing you with the best care

Need Kidney Disease Services After Diagnosis?

After a kidney disease diagnosis, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. By choosing Kidney Care Associates for your treatment, you can rest assured that your care is in qualified hands. Our team will help you navigate your diagnosis while giving recommendations on how to help slow the progression of kidney disease. Depending on the stage of your disease, we'll monitor you anywhere from once per week to once per year.

Reach out to speak with a specialist for more information on our kidney disease services.

Get the monitoring you need

With proper monitoring, Kidney Care Associates can help you lead a reasonably normal lifestyle and slow the progression of your kidney disease through all stages. Some of what we'll keep an eye on are:

  • Diabetes
  • Nutritional health
  • Urine proteins
  • Creatine levels
  • Blood pressure

Our doctors and nurse practitioners will give diet and lifestyle recommendations to help ease the symptoms of your kidney disease. Call our office today to get set up with a knowledgeable professional that cares in Sherman, TX or Durant, OK.